Being a traveling clinician has its perks: competitive pay, the ability to see new places, and a wide variety of assignments. But all the excitement in the world doesn’t negate the fact that you’re coming onto a team where everyone else knows each other. And while you have the ability to form new relationships, there […]
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How to Feel Like Part of the Team
Resources For Making Friends While On Assignment
If there’s one fear that seems to hold people back from taking the leap to being a traveling clinician, it’s the fear of loneliness. I’m here to tell you that although you’re always moving and in unfamiliar places, there’s no shortage of opportunities to connect with other like-minded people. No matter where you are in […]
The Value of Soft Skills in Healthcare
The worldwide coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in a dire need for additional healthcare workers. States have implemented various waivers, or suspended regulations, to increase available healthcare staff by encouraging returning from retirement, or working across state lines. This has contributed to an increase in the demand for travel nurses, and other healthcare professionals. A […]
The Best Ways Travel Nurses Can Help During a Crisis
Travel nurses make up only a small percentage of the 2.9 million registered nurses in the United States, but you can offer a lot during crisis situations. The fact that travel nurses are so versatile makes you well-suited for the position to jump right in to help. Travel nurses have been used for crisis relief […]
Wider Use of Masks Brings About Skin Concerns for Nurses
One of the outcomes of COVID-19 is the widespread use of masks as personal protective equipment (PPE). With their constant use, there are new skin concerns that are being noted. “Masks are now being worn 100% of the time by healthcare professionals,” says Bruce A. Brod, MD, MHCI clinical professor of Dermatology at the University […]
Read How Susan N., RN Started her First Travel Assignment with BHS During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hi Susan, thanks so much for speaking with me today. I know you are on your first travel assignment in New York City right now. How have things been working with Barton Healthcare staffing and specifically with your recruiter, Lorenzo? Well I’ll say that this is my first time ever doing an agency. I’ve been […]
Deals Continuing Past Nurses Week
National Nurses Week is an annual, week-long event that celebrates nurses everywhere and their dedication to helping others. It kicks off on May 6 and concludes with Florence Nightingale’s birthday on May 12. But this year, as nurses week comes to a close, the celebration of nurses everywhere extends beyond May 12th. The World Health […]
States Lifting Bans on Elective Procedures [COVID-19]
While the COVID-19 pandemic has caused certain states to ban hospitals and other medical facilities from performing elective procedures, we are now seeing some of these bans starting to lift. Originally intended to help dedicate resources to fighting the virus, the bans will no longer be in effect in the following states. Read on for […]
PDPM and PDGM – How it Affects Physical Therapists
With the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) newly implementing the Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) and Patient Driven Grouping Model (PDGM), physical therapists need to understand the implications on their practice and how to demonstrate their value to patients in skilled nursing facilities (SNF) and home health agencies (HHAs). The new payment models […]
Ways to Improve Your Mental Health
Improving your mental health as a nurse can help you provide better support to patients. Unfortunately, nurses are neglecting their wellness because they are focused on taking care of others. Compassion fatigue is taking over the well-being of nurses. Neglecting mental health can lead to serious health conditions including: Obesity Heart disease Increased blood pressure […]