As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the country, a majority of us now find ourselves at home with our families. Everyone says they wish they could spend more time with their family, but you know what they say, be careful what you wish for! Jokes aside, the world is a scary and uncertain place right […]
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Tips for Keeping Positive During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Tips for Remaining Calm During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Stay Calm! As a physical therapist and parent, I am being inundated with stressful news regarding COVID-19 and I find myself uncharacteristically anxious. Instead of exploring the negative, I am choosing to focus on the things I can control. What can I control? Well, I can control how I choose to respond to the current […]
Intro To Holistic Care & Alternative Therapies
Merriam Webster defines the words holistic and alternative as follows: Holistic – relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems, rather than with the of analysis, treatment of, or dissection into parts. Alternative – different from the usual or conventional. I’ve occasionally found these terms have negative connotations in some medical circles, so […]
How Long Does it Take to Find a New Job?
When I was living on Maui and trying to move back to the mainland, I felt frustrated by just how slow the job search was going. I scoured the job boards almost every day, just waiting until my ‘perfect’ opportunity came along. I put in one application after another, just to hear nothing back, even […]
The Patient-Driven Payment & Grouping Models
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), has created the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) and the Home Health Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) as a means to replace fee for service to a system that holds providers accountable for costs and patient outcomes. The SNF PDPM began October 1, 2019 corresponding to the 2020 fiscal […]
Shipping Your Car to Your Next Assignment
Sometimes you have a cross-country journey to get from one assignment to the next. There may be times when you can’t or just don’t want to do that much driving. One option available is to have your car transported. There are some things to consider before entrusting your four-wheeled friend to a stranger. The first […]
Increase Your Productivity with Positivity
Healthcare organizations continue to try to do more with less, which can make it difficult to increase productivity. Sometimes the lack of resources cannot be easily controlled, but an awareness of the attitude conveyed, and how workplace challenges are approached and communicated can be addressed. If you’re in a management or leadership role, the way […]
Things to Think About Before Starting a Side Hustle
It seems like everyone these days is talking about side hustling, or earning money outside of a regular job. It has been the subject of numerous articles, and for good reason; as of last year, almost half of all American workers had a side hustle. It is also a topic of fierce debate, with some […]
Top Places to go on Your Assignment in Hawaii
Thinking about taking an assignment in Hawaii? First off, congratulations on getting an offer! I moved to Hawaii about a year after pharmacy school, and I still remember the offer letter I received with “Hilo, HI” in the address. I think I was more excited than when I received my acceptance letter for pharmacy school. […]
Bullying Doesn’t End in High School
You might think you’re done dealing with bullies once you graduate high school and enter the workforce. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Bullying can be a significant issue in the nursing workforce. Although nurses provide care to others, they are often the recipient of uncaring behavior from their peers, physicians, management or patients. According […]