Whether it’s new technology impacting how nurses provide patient care, fluctuating methods of payment, or medications, changes in healthcare are inevitable. While many can become comfortable after working in a position for a few years and settle into how a routine for how tasks are always done, that’s not usually possible in nursing. Patient care […]
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How to Stay Current in Nursing
Volunteering as a Nurse Overseas
To date, I’ve worked/volunteered in over 20 hospitals in five different countries. Whether different states, cities, hospital networks, or countries, it goes without saying that every hospital is different. For the sake of this article, I’m going to be writing about my experience working in rural/secluded/poorly funded hospitals overseas (a lot of my volunteer experience […]
Developing an Awareness of Workplace Violence
Workplace violence isn’t part of a nurses job, yet, the frequency of occurrence has been increasing to the point that in 2018 the Joint Commission identified the risks of workplace violence to health care workers as a Sentinel Event. The incidents of violence may be even more than realized since much of the time acts […]
Understanding Your 401(k) as a Travel Nurse
A 401(k) retirement plan lets you put away money tax-deferred. In most cases, you put in money and your employer matches. Pay Attention to “Vesting” As with a lot of other things, these plans require the traveling nurse to pay close attention to detail those with staff jobs don’t have to worry about. One is […]
New Year Resolutions
Creating New Year resolutions is a tradition that began over 4,000 years ago. Around the time new crops were planted (mid-March), according to History.com ancient Babylonians celebrated their new kings and prayed to the pagan gods for good crops. During this time, they also pledged to repay their debts and return borrowed objects, believing if […]
Feeling Burnout?
Are you lacking motivation, irritable, or fatigued? Do you have difficulty sleeping, experiencing memory loss, or feeling nervous and anxious? You are not making it up, these are some of the symptoms associated with burnout. According to the Mayo Clinic “job burnout is a special type of work-related stress — a state of physical or […]
Taking Care of Your Pets Remotely When on Assignment
Staying in Touch With Your Pets Working long shifts can make it hard to keep up with your pets. One of the things the Internet-of-Things can do is let you see and interact with your pets from afar. There are various pet-watching devices available. Some use regular home security camera technology to see what the […]
Saving Money While on the Road
Life on the road can be challenging when it comes to sticking to a budget. Eating out, transportation, and even laundry can add up quickly! The key is to experience new places while stacking your savings account. Here’s a list of strategies to trim your spending while living “life on the road”. Bring Your Food […]
Coping with Homesickness During the Holiday Season
Homesickness is very common and the holiday season can intensify those feelings. You may feel sad, tired, and isolated. It can be hard to look forward to your day if you are missing your loved ones. How can you combat feeling homesick? Recognize that many people experience homesickness and understand that you are not alone, […]
Maintaining Relationships as a Travel Nurse
Travel nursing has many perks for those who decide this opportunity aligns with them. The thought of traveling for work is a daydream for many. This career has expanded not only my nursing skills but my outlook on life. The chance to see new cultures, experience new ways of living, and see some of the […]