Are you lacking motivation, irritable, or fatigued? Do you have difficulty sleeping, experiencing memory loss, or feeling nervous and anxious? You are not making it up, these are some of…
Results for "Healthcare News And Trends"
Feeling Burnout?
Avoiding Healthcare Professional Burnout
Recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), burnout is a serious condition that requires multiple approaches, including medication. Despite popular belief, burnout is more than just stress. Stress is an…
Preparing for an Interview
Congratulations, you have submitted your resume! Now, it is time to prepare for your interview. Typically a recruiter or a human resource representative will arrange a phone screening. The recruiter…
How to Make Your Resume Stand Out
Most employers post for positions online. Some will give the option to attach a cover letter and a resume, while others will auto-populate information found on your resume and have…
The Job Interview: the Applicant’s Perspective
In the first post of this two-part series, I talked about what the hiring process is like for the hiring manager and went over simple tips to impress the hiring…
Hiring for PT: In Favor of New Grads
As the hiring manager, should you hire a new graduate or go with an experienced therapist? The answer depends on the size of facility and department, current staff and unique…